Sri Lanka Corona Virus by Basilis

I am from Dominican Republic and currently in Sri Lanka almost two month ago by now. So being at 15,768 kilometers away from home, taking in consideration the chaos that the entire world is facing at the moment with this pandemic virus called #Covid_19 it’s really frustrating.

Today I received a call from my mom and her first words were “please come back home, we need to be together”, hearing that from her just broke my heart into pieces. Lots of families have loosen their love ones, the world economy has collapsed, the tourism, actually is frozen and the virus everyday is reaching more and more people; looks like the planet earth is going to end but something important about all of this is stay positive, be part of the solution. As a human being is our responsibility take action and follow all the advices and tips from the World Health Organization to prevent catching and spreading the virus not only for ourselves security but also to protect the people around us.

Also is important to keep us inform about what is going on and adopt the guidelines of our governing authorities. Maybe, this is the best/right time to think or find out our mission in life and help others in whatever way we can. The world needs love, companion and compression, so let’s do some work together.

If you want read more from Basilis